The fascination for Albrecht Dürer’s graphic work and – as a result of this – an intense curiosity, lead through a variety of ways to the reading of Gerd Unverfehrts book „Da sah ich viel köstliche Dinge“, which tells about Dürer’s travel to the Netherlands in the years of 1520/21. This journey, narrated and interpreted in that book, together with extracts of the journal Albrecht Dürer wrote during his travels, are basis to the presented photographic series under the title of 1520/21. The places that Dürer once visited, the things he saw, formed the route the photographer traveled – and while trying to find something of what the artist had seen, had experienced those days, the photographer tried to capture the own personal impression of these scenes. The series of work splits into sketchy, vaguely seeming polaroids and very concentrated large format photographs – an involvement of diverse intensity, according to the respective places and personal emotions. With a text by Christoph Tannert.